Making Jewelry with African Antique Beads

by on November 23, 2009


A recession shouldn’t mean a girl has to go without her accessories. Keep yourself looking fabulous and make your jewelery at home. There are all sorts of beads and charms you can use, but for a really great look, I recommend using antique african beads.

Necklaces, pendants and bracelets make beautiful personal items, as well as presents for friends and family. Practice makes perfect, granted, but the process is simpler than you may think. The market for this particular style of jewelery has great potential, if you’re looking for a way to boost your income. Jewelry made with antique african beads is usually hard to find, which is why there is such a nice niche for this market.

Antique beaded jewelery can carry as much impact as precious metals when presented properly. The style also suits all age ranges, and if you have children, making jewelery can be a fun activity for the entire family.

Before creating your piece, take the time to get inspired and informed. The best way to start your search is to look for images online. Use the available resources to research the origins, use and meanings of antique beads. Beads can be produced in a number of ways, and different beads belong to different African tribes. Don’t mix and match beads, instead, choose one particular theme, and source out suppliers for that particular bead type.

Again, the internet will provide a helpful list of suppliers. Good stores will be able to provide specific information and assistance on your purchase. Some antique beads will be more expensive than others, so it’s probably best to set a budget before you start spending on unnecessary extra beads.

Remember, heavier beads will require a more resilient material than cotton for thread. Thin leather is a good substitute. Make sure your clasp matches the strength of your thread; otherwise this will act as the weakest point in your chain. Your necklace looks better on you, and not in pieces all over the floor.

Have fun making your new favorite accessory using African antique beads!

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